Author: Нурай Нурходжаева
Business is like a chess game, and you have to think a few moves ahead. Expect the wishes of your customers. Give them what they want, and a little more. The idea of which business will be relevant in the future is constantly changing, causing a lot of discussion and prediction. At the same time, one thing is to predict, and another is to shape this future, which is directly related to innovative thinking and technological breakthroughs, which reflect the level of development of the economy, technology and production. Based on the trends, the main features of the business models that will be in demand in the coming decades are already predicted. And this, first of all, is businesses and technologies that allow to save time and are multifunctional. Each of us has our own subjective understanding of the business sectors of the future. And I, of course, have it too. Of all the variety, I would single out a couple of ideas, the development, and implementation of which will radically change the world and the way of life of all mankind. Moreover, earlier, we could perceive it as something unnecessary, useless and unrealizable, but now technologies are developing so quickly that they inevitably believe what seemed unthinkable. In the 2100s, some of the most sought-after industries will be associated with the adaptation of natural forces and the colonization of other celestial bodies.
When we think about the Arctic, harsh snow landscapes, blocks of ice and bearded men who try to tame the icy deserts come to mind. The trouble is that over the next decades the Arctic can say goodbye to ice in principle. According to these calculations, in 2009 there were 4.6 million square kilometers of sea ice, and by 2037 there will be less than a million — it’s like nothing. In addition, the ice is likely to be much thinner than today, which further aggravates the loss of the remaining millions of kilometers. The summer sea ice area in the Arctic is reduced by about 10% per decade. The water level in the world’s oceans will increase, but if people find a way to use it rationally, then this excess will bring us only benefits. It is a well-known fact that pure hydrogen is highly flammable and is the ideal fuel. If we find a way to extract hydrogen from water through sunlight, people will get a rich and renewable source of energy. In their study, an expert in the field of electronic structures and simulators, IME professor Julia Galli and professor of chemistry Kyong-Shin Choi of the University of Wisconsin found a way to increase the efficiency with which the water-splitting electrode adsorbs photons of light from one electrode to another. Simulators allowed them to understand what is happening at the atomic level. Creating an electrode that captures light, scientists have sought to use as many spectra of sunlight as possible to excite electrons and transform them into a structure that is optimal for the splitting reaction. A rather important point, although peculiar to a somewhat different area of the problem, is the need to ensure that electrons move easily between electrodes, creating an electric current. Until now, scientists had to resort to separate manipulations to improve the absorption of photons and the movement of electrons in the materials tested by them.
The next advantage of increasing the water level in the ocean is the construction of floating cities. At the dawn of the 22nd century, many of the cities of the world are partially submerged due to rising sea levels. Despite some attempts to build flood protection, even famous cities such as New York, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Sydney are subject to flooding. More than 10% of the population, hundreds of millions of people living on the coast, are forced to migrate. Soon this problem will disappear, the construction of cities-ships will allow people not only to have a permanent place of residence but also to travel. If properly sized, these settlements will be able to impede the flow of water to the continent, sucking this water. Together with CO2 reduction technologies, coastal settlements will play a large role in air purification and water pollution, acting as a giant filter, removing garbage and chemicals from the ocean. These materials will find a new application, undergoing processing. They will have a significant impact, reducing and removing the enormous damage caused, which has accumulated over the centuries from chemical pollution, plastic, nitrogen, and other man-made waste. Needless to say, these settlements, both stationary and moving, are completely carbon neutral. Electricity is produced thanks to technologies that use the energy of the temperature gradient of sea water, coastal wind, tidal and wave power plants, solar panels, and other means. Food cultivation and desalination will occur locally. Therefore, investors should pay attention to these buildings as they benefit not only people but the whole environment.
We have not been on the Moon since the 1970s, but we are already planning to take a walk around Mars. This is a dream that may soon become a reality, if one of the many organizations that are trying to do this, will finish what has been started. The dream of the colonization of Mars by the 2100s to become a reality. It is clear that scientists want to create a permanent habitat for humanity.
Main advantages:
1) Solving Earth demographic problems. Demographic pressure complicates the food and environmental situation. The development of a modern economy requires territorial and fuel and raw material resources. The severity of the problems is due not so much to the limited resources as to the impact of the nature of their use on the state of the environment.
2) Solving environmental problems.
3) Industrial mining of valuable minerals. In the absence of free oxygen in the atmosphere, it may contain rich deposits of native metals: copper, iron, tungsten, rhenium, uranium, gold; and the extraction of these elements itself can take place much more fruitfully than on Earth, due to the absence of the biosphere and the high background of radiation, thermonuclear charges can be widely used to open ore bodies.
4) Creating a refuge for humanity in case of a global cataclysm. Since the explosion of the first atomic bomb, the probability of a man-made global catastrophe has increasingly begun to increase. The atomic bomb explosion itself could have caused detonation of the atmosphere with a probability of three millionths. With increasing technology, the number of possible causes of man-made global catastrophe increases.
Main disadvantage:
The reconstruction of Mars and the creation of a colony on it require large investments.
Factors complicating colonization and their approximate solutions:
Gravity on the red planet is about 3.71 m / s2, that is, 0.38 g. Life, as is known, originated in the ocean, and the first vertebrates that settled in the water column were in a state that can be called pseudo-weightlessness. I suggest fish and other marine vertebrates are perfectly adapted to live in an environment without support, they have well-developed systems of movement and orientation in three-dimensional space. Gravitational problems arose with the release of animals on land.I propose to build underwater premises from metals that have undergone gravity enrichment (due to the minerals mined on Mars), increase the mass of metals, attach buildings and structures to the ground with large anchors made of iridium metal (very hard, refractory, silvery-white transition metal of the platinum group, high density, has high corrosion resistance even at 2000 ° C). In terrestrial rocks, this metal is extremely rare, so a high concentration of iridium in rock samples is an indicator of cosmic (meteoric) origin. After the meteor shower, people can collect the remains and get iridium from them (in underwater laboratories and enterprises)
The effect of gravity on humans:
The fact that the human body consists of 70% of the water has long been known, but this water, in accordance with the model adopted in physiology, is located in different sectors: intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid (these include cavity fluids — abdominal, thoracic, cerebral) and vascular (blood). Evolution has ensured that not only the composition but also the volume of body fluid is maintained constant because it gives the man and large animals the greatest freedom in adapting to various environmental conditions.
The function of maintaining the composition and volume of a fluid depends on gravity; the body reacts to reduce gravity by directed efforts to reduce the volume of extracellular fluid. The volume of intravascular fluid is also reduced. If a person had to spend the rest of his life aboard a space station, then this reaction should be called adaptive: in weightlessness with a reduced volume of liquid, it is easier to live and work. But when returning to Earth after long space flights (longer than several days), a condition arises in which the heart cannot normally supply blood to the brain. And it’s not just a matter of lowering muscle tone, but also that the cardiovascular system simply does not have enough blood to fill the entire vascular bed, therefore, people who will live on Mars will not be able to visit Earth, pro tempore, so this may adversely affect their health, only 38% of the population of Mars (who will have good health and physical training) will be able to travel between 2 planets.
The study of the skeletal system is one of the most important sections of gravitational physiology. The absence of stress on the bones under microgravity conditions leads to a decrease in bone mineral density, which is very similar to osteoporosis. Bones lose calcium unevenly. Most of all, it is washed out of the bone areas that form the joints, that is, they experience the greatest stress in terrestrial conditions. In the lower extremities, the process of calcium loss is more pronounced than in the upper ones, and calcium in the skull is even delayed. How to increase the level of calcium in the body?
It is widely believed that calcium-containing vitamins, as well as milk, cottage cheese, and other calcium-rich foods, can make bones stronger. However, this popular misconception was refuted by New Zealand scientists. They reported that calcium is practically useless for strengthening bones. True, this statement applies only to people over 50 years. Mark J. Bolland and his colleagues at the University of Auckland analyzed the results of two studies on the effect of calcium on bone density. In one of them, data were collected on 13,790 men and women over 50 years old. The authors found that regular intake of calcium supplements and the consumption of calcium-rich foods made the bones stronger by only 1-2%.Another major study examined the relationship between calcium intake and the frequency of bone fractures. A survey of more than 45,000 people showed that regular calcium supplementation had no effect on the likelihood of fractures. The authors believe that a healthy and varied diet provides the necessary amount of calcium, so you should not take additional vitamins with calcium or switch to a special diet to strengthen bones.
This planet is farther from the sun, the amount of solar energy reaching its surface is only 43% of this value for the Earth, but instead of solar energy human can use the wind energy. On Mars, the average wind speed is low (about 3 m / s), because the pressure of the atmosphere is low, but for the wind turbine, this speed is enough.
The average temperature on Mars is much lower than on Earth — about -40 ° C. With the most favorable conditions in summer, on the daytime half of the planet the air warms up to 20 ° С — quite an acceptable temperature for the inhabitants of the Earth. But on a winter night, the frost can reach as low as -125 ° C. With winter temperatures, even carbon dioxide freezes, turning into dry ice. Such sudden changes in temperature are caused by the fact that the rarefied atmosphere of Mars is not capable of holding heat for a long time.
People who plan to live there should at first wear special suits made of a fabric that retains heat and the skin under a layer of clothing should be covered with Vaseline.
A manned flight to Mars is no longer a fantasy fiction, but a clearly defined prospect, seriously considered by the governments of many countries. Everyone cannot imagine the future without settling the red planet. I believe that in the near future, mankind will be able to inhabit at least a small part of the orbital space. Now it sounds like a dream, but any dream can be translated into reality by changing the word dream to the word goal. The goal to which humanity will go for its own good …
Speaking about the fact that he lives for today, a man does not even think about how right he is. Today is the day when everything is possible. Life is not connected with the past, it strives towards the future and therefore what we will do, where we go and what we are doing at the moment, depends on who we will become tomorrow, after a day, a week, a year. History is not written by yesterday’s actions of people, but by what they are doing today. Every moment of our life today occupies a special position in the historical annals. It is quite fair to believe that everything happens in the life of humanity exactly when it is needed. This is worth thinking about, because of what decisions a person makes today depends on him tomorrow. It is likely that tomorrow will never come, but this does not mean that today we must give up. Everyone wants a bright future, the people must unite all their strengths, knowledge and efforts in order to save our planet for the future generation.