Common future by common forces
To sum up the results of 2019 and outline the project's landmarks in the new 2020, the «HORIZON 2100» Project experts gathered on February 12-14, 2020 for the International Expert and Communication Meeting «Common future by common forces».
International expert communication meeting within the framework of the "HORIZON 2100" project
Author-developer and head of the International Youth Project "HORIZON 2100", Candidate of Social Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Modeling the Future
Co-chairman of the International Jury of the "HORIZON 2100" Competition, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Management Problems. V.A. Trapeznikov RAS, professor at MAI
Co-chairman of the International Jury of the HORIZON 2100 Competition, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, President of the Open University of the Dialogue of Civilizations
Moderator, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Management innovation NRU HSE, member of ABPMP Russian Chapter, member European Coaching Association
To sum up the results of 2019 and outline the project's landmarks in the new 2020 the expert staff of the Project "HORIZON 2100" gathered on February 12-14, 2020 at International expert communication meeting "Common future by common forces."
The meeting was attended by experts and young people from different parts of the world - from South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lebanon, Syria, Italy, India, Armenia, Germany, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine.
The high interest in the event and its particular relevance was due to the fact that The UN General Assembly announced in 2020 the organization and holding of the largest discussion in the history of the UN on the Future and the role of comprehensive cooperation in its construction. And it so happened that HORIZON 2100 launched this process among the youth half a step earlier, and as a result, it did not just join the discussion, but became a center of attraction - a single platform for open dialogue and cooperation of experts and students from different countries.
Strategic goal:
Create conditions for interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation of experts - scientists, specialized practitioners and researchers from various fields of science, economics, social and cultural spheres and lay the foundations for a global expert and communication network for predicting the future.
- Discuss the results of the International Youth Competition "HORIZON 2100", exchange views on its experimental findings;
- Share experiences and ideas regarding their opportunities to expand opportunities for youth from their country to participate in the HORIZON 2100 competition;
- To acquaint foreign scientists and specialists with the achievements of Russian science and technology, to present to the Russian side the achievements of foreign scientists and specialists;
- Discuss and develop new trends of the Project and "embedding" it into the context a global debate on the future of the world announced by the UN for 2020.
Day one, 12 February, Wednesday
Horizon 2100 Results and Outlook for the Future
Venue: Foundation support of public diplomacy to them. A.M. Gorchakova, Yakovoapostolsky per., 10, Moscow, as well as Offsite events: Center for testing materials and technologies of the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov, RANEPA, and the ARTPLACE Design Center
Day two, February 13, Thursday
Session “The future of humanity: how we can shape it together? "
Venue: Institute management problems. V.A. Trapeznikov RAS, Profsoyuznaya, 65
Final session "Common future by common forces"
Venue: Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Miusskaya square, 7, building 1, Moscow, as well as the Meeting "Without ties" at the Plenipotentiary Representation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Farewell dinner "Home cuisine of the peoples of the world
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique COPPE, Dean of the Technological Center of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

By the scale of decisions and the effectiveness of the joint work of its participants International expert communication meeting surpassed all intentions organizers: "HORIZON 2100" joined and became part of the UN Global Discussion; an online broadcast of the appeal of its participants in national languages to the youth of their countries was organized with an appeal to join the UN Global Discussion and take part in the HORIZON 2100 competition in order to propose solutions to overcome the threats facing the world and concrete ideas for building the Future and shaping a positive vision of sustainable human development; it was proposed to provide an opportunity for the winner of the "HORIZON 2100" competition in 2020 to participate in high-level events of the 75th UN General Assembly in September 2020, about which representatives of five continents and the initiator from Russia were signed joint Resolution.
We must pay tribute to the project manager Irina Osokina, who has not only rare organizational skills and competencies, but also well understands the demands and needs of modern society.
Lyubov Azamatova
Lashko Olga
Foam Doneva
Suheil Farah
Walter Suemitsu
The project was implemented using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund

