- Natural Sciences:
- Astronomy - its capabilities, the solar system, planets and exoplanets, stars, galaxies, cosmology and evolution of the Universe, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence;
- Physics - optics, plasma physics, structure of matter, physics of various media;
- Chemistry - inorganic, biochemistry, biogeochemistry, geochemistry, agrochemistry, medical chemistry, physical chemistry, thermochemistry, electrochemistry, photochemistry, nuclear chemistry, cryochemistry, plasma chemistry, mechanochemistry, cosmochemistry, chemistry of processing substances, etc.;
- Biology - zoology, botany, physiology of animals, humans and plants, biological chemistry, microbiology, virology (How pandemics can change theoretical and applied virology in the world in the future), molecular biology, molecular genetics, space biology, etc.;
- geography - geology, geography, soil science, anthropology, climatology, etc.
- Technical sciences - architecture, astronautics, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, materials science (including smart materials, nano- and superstructures), mechanics, systems engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunications, radio electronics, chemical technology, biotechnology, informatics, nuclear power, etc.
- Humanities and social sciences: psychology, anthropology, history, ethnography, linguistics, rhetoric, pedagogy, cultural studies, philology; sociology, economics, political science, social sciences in general, theory and practice of social development, philosophy, sociology, political science, social processes, exchange of scientific information on current social research, state and law, legal sciences, politics and political sciences, adaptive learning systems.