The International Youth Forum "Sustainable Development by 2100: Forecasts, Vision, Scenarios and Plans" was held from February 3-6, 2024. Its participants are the winners of the international youth competition of scientific and science fiction works "HORIZON 2100".
The International Youth Forum "Sustainable Development by 2100: forecasts, visions, scenarios and plans" in 2023. The forum was attended by the winners of the International Youth Competition "HORIZON 2100"
In 2024, the forum was held at two venues: offline in Moscow (Russia) and in Cuenca (Ecuador), high school students, students and graduate students from 5 continents took part in the forum: Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.
The main task of the Forum is to encourage the winners of the HORIZON 2100 competition from different countries and jointly simulate the contours of long-term sustainable development and the horizons of a desirable future favorable for all. This is a key stage of the 2023 competition project for its winners and laureates and experts of the competition.
To create a democratic platform and dynamic creative conditions for interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation of participants, thanks to which to launch a format of interaction capable of:
• Give a powerful synergistic effect;
• To "bring together" approaches in the vision of the future and ideas about possible trends of the future, focused on the needs of future generations;
• Create various scenarios of the future in the Foresight mode in key areas (formalize in the form of projects);
• To offer breakthrough technologies and design solutions that can radically change the nature of the new reality for the next 50-80 years;
• To model a complete picture of the desired future by 2100, to make maps of the desired future, describing the main possible events that will affect the achievement of the desired goals (to arrange in the form of a project);
• Develop an Appeal to the people of the planet about the future of the world as young people want to see it (for referral to the UN). The Future Modeling Center, the main organizer of the project, is aware that the tasks and expectations assigned to young people require effective multilateral cooperation of all parties involved in the process of modeling the future, therefore, all possible conditions were created for the participants of the forum with the financial support of the Presidential Grants Fund and powerful intellectual support was provided.
For reference, in 2023, 661 people took part in the competition - schoolchildren, students and young people from 65 countries, and in general, the HORIZON 2100 project has covered more than 2,500 participants, experts, and volunteers from 101 countries over 6 years of implementation.
Irina Osokina
Author of the idea, developer and head of the Organizing Committee International Youth Project "HORIZON 2100", PhD in Sociology, Chairman of the Council of the Center for Modeling the Future, Deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the II convocation.
Yuriy Sidelnikov
Scientific Supervisor of the Project, Chair International Jury of the HORIZON 2100 Competition, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, First Vice-President of the International Academy for Future Studies, Full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.
Alexander Ageev
Chief Moderator of the Forum, General Director of the International Scientific Research Institute of Control Sciences (MNIIAPO), Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department and Professor of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Professor at MGIMO University and Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of the DBA Digital Transformation" of the Singapore Academy of Corporate Management, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Economic Strategies" and the International Journal "Partnership of Civilizations", Academician of the Russian and the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Journalists of Russia.
Aleksandr Chulok
Moderator of the Educational Foresight Session on Modeling the Future: Russian Forecaster, International Expert of the United Nations Development Program Foresight, Doctor of Economics, Director of the Center for S&T Foresight Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, Higher School of Economics.
Enrique Pozo Cabrera
Co-Chairman of the International Jury of the HORIZON 2100 Competition, Ph.D., Rector and Professor of the Catholic University of Cuenca University of Cuenca, Attorney-General of the Catholic University of Cuenca.
Daryana Lemtyuzhnikova
Moderator of the Foresight Quest, PhD in Physics and Mathematics Doctor of Management, Senior Researcher, V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy Doctor of Science (ICS RAS), Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the ICS RAS.
Marco Avila Calle
Chief Coordinator of the HORIZON 2100 project in Latin America. Academic Coordinator of the Department of Construction in the Field of Sustainable Construction Management at the Catholic University of Cuenca, researcher and editor of scientific journals.
Ronald Roussevelt Ramos Montiel
Professor/Research Fellow, Academic Department health and wellness. Coordinator of Specialization in Orthodontics at the Graduate School of the Academic University Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Vice-President of the Society of Orthodontics and Orthopaedics Asuai Ecuador.
On February 3, the grand opening of the International Youth Forum "Sustainable Development by 2100: Forecasts, Vision, Scenarios and Plans" took place in the Picasso conference hall of the Maxima Zarya Hotel. At the opening, Alexander Ivanovich Ageev, Irina Lvovna Osokina, Yuri Valentinovich Sidelnikov and Marco Avilla Kale made a welcoming speech.
Participants from 5 continents met to project a vision for the future. After the opening, the children proceeded to the very first stage - getting to know each other and jointly planning further work: choosing a leader, roles, logo, slogan and a general communication system in the teams.
To work on the main topics of the project, 9 teams (7 face-to-face and 2 online) were created at the Moscow site of the Forum and 7 teams at the site of Ecuador.
And already on the first day, the students began foresight - work on models of the future in key areas: working out the main theses, formulating the problem and studying various materials.
The next day, a tour of the capital of Russia was organized for the participants – a cultural and educational program "The History of Moscow of the Future" for full-time participants. The participants got acquainted with the Moscow of tomorrow, saw places in the retro-futurism style, innovative, daring and fantastic "monuments of the future" for their time, images of Moscow of the XIX century and compared the ideas of dreamers with reality.
After the tour, the participants continued to work on their projects within the framework of the Foresight Forum: participants from Moscow together with online teams and teams from Ecuador in a teleconference mode with simultaneous translation. Under the guidance of the chief moderator of the Forum, Alexander Ivanovich Ageev, the teams performed tasks to answer the questions posed and immerse themselves in the topic of the Forum.
On February 5, the participants of the Moscow Forum site worked independently in the morning, and after lunch – together with all participants of the Forum from all corners of the earth. In turn, the participants of the Ecuadorian site worked independently, but already in the afternoon local time (- 8 hours from Moscow). Thus, it was possible to conduct communication taking into account the difference in time zones and effectively conduct foresight on two sites at once.
At the joint sessions, the participants of the sites were expected: Strategic Foresight games, which included modeling the future up to 2050 and up to 2100, a Foresight quest "Modeling the overall picture of the future world by 2100", as well as a Strategic Foresight session, where participants presented their projects to the jury.
By the evening of the 3rd day, the teams formed according to the directions, the main actors of the forum presented their projects, on which they worked for 3 days.

Economy and Global Peace

The Future of Human Habitat

The Future of Technology and Society

The Future of Science

The Future of Energy, Economy and Sustainability

The Future of Society

The Future of Global

The Future of Society

The Future of Technology

The Future of Man and Intellect

The Future of Society

The Future of Technology and Habitat

The Future of Global Peace

The Future of the Environment and Sustainability

The Future of the Human Environment

The Future of Science and Habitat
On the last day of the International Youth Forum "Sustainable Development by 2100: forecasts, visions, scenarios and plans", participants managed to visit the Mission Control Center of ROSCOSMOS Corporation (Korolev) and communicate in real time with astronauts aboard the ISS.
The questions of the participants were answered by the crew members of the long-term expedition aboard the ISS, consisting of cosmonauts of the Roscosmos State Corporation Konstantin Borisov, Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub. They answered questions from foreign and Russian schoolchildren and students via video link.
For several days, young visionaries aged 16 to 26 years old, together with top moderators, conducted Foresight studies of possible future models and formed a new long-term strategy for the sustainable development of the global world and the contours of a "different" future working for the benefit of Russia and humanity as a whole. The main ideas on the long-term strategy of the team were presented at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. During the final session, the jury evaluated the projects and counted the points.
According to the results of the evaluation of projects by an international jury at the Moscow site, the project of the Global Predicate team - the future of technology won the first place; the Singularitatem team - the future of society came in second place. The honorable third place was won by the Pleiade team - The Man of the Future

The Future of Technology and Society

The Future of Science

The Future of Global Peace
Also, according to the results of the evaluation of the participants' projects at the Ecuador site, the first place was won by the project of the team "Ecoluminarius" - the future of science and the environment; the second place was taken by the team "Habitabilidad cyborg" - the future of the human environment. The honorable third place was won by the team "Sociedad ornitorrinco" - the future of society.

The Future of Science and HabitatThe Future of Science and Habitat

The Future of the Human Environment

The Future of Society
Also, all participants worked together on a common vision of the future, which was based on projects developed within the framework of the International Youth Forum. The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation adopted the final document – the Resolution of the forum in the form of an Appeal to the people of the planet about the future of the world as young people want to see it (for subsequent referral to the UN).
After the performance of the teams, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the International Youth Competition of scientific and science fiction works "HORIZON 2100" took place.
The GRAND PRIX of the HORIZON 2100 competition was also announced. Margarita Kastor, Tula, Russia, won this high title in the 2023 competition in the nomination of science fiction works about the future at the turn of 2100.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Russian Federation Mr. Khalid Abdullah Krayem Shavabke, Director of the Permanent Mission of the Altai Territory in Moscow Borisenko Nikolay Vladimirovich, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Bashkortostan to the President of the Russian Federation Rakhmatullin Ilshat Ildusovich, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Donetsk People's Republic to the Russian Federation, came to congratulate their compatriots and fellow countrymen on the victory Federation Makeeva Olga Alexandrovna, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Dagestan to the President of the Russian Federation Kazhlaev Khajimurad Muradovich and member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Magomedov Aigun Khalidovich, Deputy Governor of the Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass – Head of the Kuzbass Representative Office to the Government of the Russian Federation Kirillov Viktor Viktorovich, Head of the Representative Office of the Government of St. Petersburg in Moscow Osipov Sergey Nikolaevich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan – Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation Akhmetshin Ravil Kalimullovich, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Anatoly Alexandrovich Wasserman, Adviser to the Department of International Youth Cooperation and Tourism Department of State Youth Policy and Educational Activities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Alexey Yanovich Stanonis, Deputy Academician-Secretary for Scientific and Organizational Work of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Office of the Presidium of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Istomina Natalia Leondovna, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kochurov Boris Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism Kibalnikov Sergey Vladimirovich, Director of the Institute of Problems of Science Development of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zavarukhin Vladimir Petrovich and other honored guests.
To see more photos - see the albums in our group on VKontakte

Anakha Satish
Chief Coordinator: ensuring and coordinating the implementation of all practical aspects: working with youth tutors, participants, assistance in registration, accommodation, meals, transfers, interaction with the moderator and experts on the program

Anna Biyushkina
Assistant moderator: providing screensavers, demonstrations of speakers' presentations, connecting a laptop for presentations; microphones, screen, Wi-Fi, and other tasks set by the moderator

Genesis Ludeña
Youth tutor and coordinator for interaction with the Organizing Committee of Ecuador, for obtaining visas, solving practical issues - registration of participants and issuance of materials, hotel accommodation, assistance in solving other issues

Olesya Chuiko
Media Relations Coordinator, Preparation and distribution of the Announcement to the media. Interaction with media editorial offices and TV channels

Ivan Leshchev
Technical coordinator: interaction with technical services on the operation of equipment, sound, providing moderators and speakers with microphones and their uninterrupted operation, uninterrupted operation of Wi-Fi, video communication, prompt solution of emerging technical problems
Within the framework of the Forum, Youth Tutors provided content support to the team of participants and assistance in solving all organizational and practical issues

Artem Rudkovskiy

Ahmed Elfaky

Bakk Balint

Malachi Nyamukondiwa

Mejía Rodríguez Eddie Augusto

Maxim Ilyin

Nastya-Glasha Lozovaya

Penka Doneva

Regis Ruzani
The project is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation, as well as organizational, expert and informational support from the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, the Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Research Institute of Control Sciences, the Institute for the Development of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO, the UN Information Center in Moscow, the Moscow House of Public Organizations of the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy of the city Moscow, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.