World 2100: global trends and perspectives on the future of youth
From February 5 to February 9, 2023, the International Youth Forum "World 2100: Global Trends and the Future through the Eyes of Youth" was held in Moscow. Its participants are the winners of the international youth competition of scientific and sci-fi works "HORIZON 2100", held in the fall of 2022.
The International Youth Forum "World 2100: Global Trends and the Future through the Eyes of the Young" is the final event of the PROJECT "HORIZON 2100" in 2022. The forum was attended by the winners of the International Youth Contest "HORIZON 2100"
The objectives of the forum are:
• To awaken the interest of talented thinking young people in the science of prognostics, to involve them in joint work with the future, to intensify the desire to understand its possible versions, to determine the contours of development at the turn of the 21st century, to propose ways and prospects for development and the trajectory of movement into a multipolar world and a "different" future that works in the interests and for the benefit of Russia, other countries participating in the project, and humanity as a whole.
• To promote the strengthening of traditional social, economic, scientific, technical, socio-cultural ties, betting on increasing the trust and objective and attractive image of our country, the power of its natural, intellectual, scientific and technological resources in the eyes of representatives of the foreign scientific, expert, business community and youth - the future scientific, intellectual, business and political elite of Russia and other countries.
Center for Modeling Future, the main organizer of the project, is aware that the tasks and expectations assigned to young people require effective multilateral cooperation of all parties involved in the process of modeling the future, therefore, all possible conditions were created for the forum participants at the Presidential Grants Financial Fund and powerful intellectual support was provided.For reference, 778 schoolchildren took part in the competition in 2022, students and young people from 21 countries, and in general the project "HORIZON 2100" for 5 years of implementation, covered more than 2000 participants, experts, volunteers from 75 countries.
On February 5, the grand opening of the International Youth Forum "World 2100: Global Trends and the Future through the Eyes of the Young" took place in the "Boiling Point" of the ASI. Participants from 14 countries met to project a vision for the future. After the opening, the children listened to a block of lectures from Olaf Hauer (Germany), which allowed them to work out with the participants the basic skills and competencies necessary for further joint productive work in youth teams of researchers of the future. Also, the children were waiting for trainings, master classes and business games, in which the children applied the knowledge gained during the School of Skills of the Future.
After dinner, a tour of the capital of Russia was organized for the participants - as part of the entertainment program, they visited Moscow City and the very center of the city: Zaryadye Park and Red Square. These places were not chosen by chance – the business center and the park reflect the ideas of futurism, which is the main theme of the Forum.
On February 6, in continuation of the School of Future Skills, which was opened by Olaf Hauer, the participants listened to a block of lectures from invited speakers: within the framework of the plenary session, participants received knowledge of the basics of futurology, Foresight and strategic planning.
Lectures were presented on the following topics:
• "World 2100: Global Trends and Risks: What Threatens the Future of Our Civilization?"
"A century-long road: global trends through the prism of classic Foresight"
• "The emergence of superintelligence and the disappearance of oil. Can GPT operate without coal-fired power plants and why will the fate of 2100 be decided much earlier?"
• "Energy-efficient green building – a global trend in the cities of the future?"
• Technologization of creativity as a platform for designing the future"
A discussion block was also organized, where participants were able to discuss the topics raised by experts, as well as speculate on the topic of future trends and changes.
On February 7, teams formed by directions, the main actors of the forum in the mode of team foresight sessions generated project predictive images of the future. To work out the main topics of the project, 9 teams were created, one of which created a project that unites the ideas of all teams.

The Future of Global Peace and InternationalRelations

The Future of Science

The Future of Society

The Future of Technology

Man of the Future

The Future of Energy

The future of the environment and sustainable development

The Future of the Human Environment
During the International Youth Forum "World 2100 Global Trends and the Future through the Eyes of the Young", the participants managed to visit the Mission Control Center of ROSCOSMOS Corporation (Korolev) and communicate in real time with the cosmonauts of the ISS board.
The commander of the ISS, the Russian test cosmonaut of the Roscosmos cosmonaut detachment, sergey Prokopyev, who made two spacewalks, the Russian test cosmonaut of the Gagarin Research Institute of the Central Space Committee Anna Kikina and the flight engineer of the ISS-67/68 expedition Dmitry Petelin answered questions from foreign and Russian schoolchildren and students via video link. In particular, they were interested in whether it was true that outer space is felt by iss members of the ISS in different ways, and members of the delegation wanted to hear funny stories about space.
For several days, young visionaries aged 16 to 26 years, together with top experts from Russia, Great Britain, Germany and Belarus, conducted Foresight studies of possible models of the future and formed a new - long-term - strategy for the sustainable development of the global world and the contours of the "other" future, working for the benefit of Russia, and humanity as a whole.
The main ideas on the long-term strategy formed the basis of the Message to the People of Peace, which was handed over to the Director of the UN Information Center Vladimir Kuznetsov at a briefing on February 8. The appeal to the World Organization was signed by schoolchildren, students, graduate students, young researchers of the future and experts from Belarus, Belgium, Hungary, Great Britain, Zimbabwe, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Chad.
At the end of the forum, the joint group XY, including one representative from each team, presented the United Result - the image of the future that young people want.
And then the final of the forum was held at the "Boiling Point" of the ASI - the teams presented their projects to the court of a high jury, which included youth images of the future evaluated by the forum's experts and honored guests. According to the results of the evaluation of the projects by the international jury, the first place was won by the project of the team "
Technozhrets" - the future of technology; the second place was takenby the teamsand "Trikvetra" - the future of society The honorable third place was won by the team "Light of the Future" - Man of the Future.

The Future of Technology

The Future of Society

Light of the Future
Man of the Future
After the performance of the teams, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the International Youth Competition of Scientific and Science Fiction Works "HORIZON 2100" took place.
The GRAND PRIX of the HORIZON 2100 competition was also announced. This highest title in the 2022 competition was won by:
- in the nomination of scientific and practical works - Yanov Ilya Vladimirovich, Samara,
- in the category of science fiction works about the future at the turn of 2100 - Lazuardi Mahardika, Indonesia.
- in the nomination of scientific works – Aleshina Anastasia Evgenievna, Ryazan.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Zimbabwe to Russia Ambrose Mutiniri, Minister-Counsellor, Head of Information and Socio-Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Nanang Fadillah, President of the Indian Business Alliance and President of the Indian Cultural and National Center "SITA" Sammy Manoj Kotwani came to congratulate their compatriots and fellow countrymen on the victory. , General Director of Timeit LLC Satish Varyer, Director of the Institute for The Development of Science of the Russian Academy of Science Vladimir Petrovich Zavarukhin, Special Representative of the Governor of St. Petersburg Abdulragimov Israil Abdul Ali oglu, Head of the Permanent Representation of the Altai Territory to the Government of the Russian Federation Borisenko Nikolay Vladimirovich, Acting Head of the Representative Office of the Tambov Region to the Government of the Russian Federation Murat Grigoriev, Employee of the Representative Office of the Government of the Murmansk Region Sokurskaya Olga Alekseevna, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Bashkortostan under the President of the Russian Federation Ildar Zinurovich Bikbaev, Leading Specialist of the Plenipotentiary Representation of the Republic of Bashkortostan Shayakhmetova Zulfiya Salavatovna, Deputy Head of the Department (Representative Office of the Samara Region) for Interaction with Federal Bodies of State Authority Alexander Gennadyevich Kachalov, Member of the Youth Council at the Department (Representative Office of the Samara Region) for Interaction with Federal Bodies of State Authority Bakhchev Mikhail Igorevich, Deputy Head of the Representative Office of the Government of the Kirov Region Porokhnenko Olga Nikolaevna, Deputy Head of the Permanent Mission of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to the Government of the Russian Federation Cherikanova Olga Efimovna, Head of the Representative Office of the Government of the Ryazan Region Ioordanov Yuri Ivanovich, as well as employees of the representative office Representative offices of the Government of the Ryazan region: Tolstov Pavel Lvovich, Chelyadinov Anton Vadimovich, Slivkina Alesya Gennadievna, Murasheva Alina Dmitrievna, Head of the Department for Work with Volunteers of the Department of Public Relations and Social Communications of the Moscow Region Misk Tatyana Igorevna Stepanova, NAchalnik of the Organizational Department of the Representative Office of the Volgograd Region Veselkova Elena Nikolaevna, Head of the Association of Physicians of the Moscow Center of Culture "Dagestan" Gulizar Hajiyeva, Deputy Academician-Secretary for Scientific and Organizational Work of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Istomina Natalia Leonidovna and other honorable guests.
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Olga Lashko
Chief Programme Coordinator: provision and coordination implementation of all practical aspects: work with participants, assistance in registration, accommodation, meals, transfers, interaction with the moderator and speakers on the program

Natalia Kovalkina
Press secretary, organization of the youth press center, photo and video shooting, interviews, contacts with the media, work with invited guests Preparation of the opening and closing of the forum

Anastasia Karimova
Organization of registration of participants and distribution of materials, meals at the boiling point and in the hotel COSMOS, accommodation, organization transport services and accompaniment of participants

Serafim Anisimov
Technical Coordinator: Interaction with Technical Services on the subject of normal operation of equipment, sound, work with camera and event recording, providing moderators and speakers microphones and their smooth operation, uninterrupted operation of Wi-Fi, video communication, prompt solution of emerging problems, other tasks setby the moderator

Nastya-Glasha Lozova
Moderator Assistant: providing screen savers, demonstrations speakers' presentations connecting a laptop for presentations; microphones, screen, Wi-Fi, other tasks set by the moderator

Olesya Chuiko
Media Coordinator, Preparation and distribution of the Announcement in the media. Interaction with media outlets and TV channels

Denis Seledtsov
Organization of registration of participants and distribution of materials, meals at the boiling point and in the hotel COSMOS, accommodation, organization transport services and accompaniment of participants
The project is implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation, as well as organizational, expert and information support of the Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Foundation, the V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Research Institute for Management Problems, the Institute for The Development of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO, the UN Information Center in Moscow, the Moscow House of Public Organizations of the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy of the city Moscow, ROSMOLODEZH, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.