The vision of the future we want: Foresight 2100
From 23 to 26 August 2021, the Forum took place in Moscow. Its participants are the winners of the HORIZON 2100 international youth competition of scientific and sci-fi works.
What is the future? It is rarely a simple extrapolation from the present and remains an indefinite and often unknowable greatest mystery.
However, it is important for almost everyone - states, corporations, cities, non-governmental organizations, ordinary people and, above all, young people - to have an idea of the future. That is why the International Youth Forum "The Image of the Future we Want: Foresight 2100" was held in Moscow from August 23 to 26, bringing together both Russian and foreign youth under its leadership, and its main content was modeling the road to the desired Tomorrow.
The Forum was a kind of reward for the participants of the Horizon 2100 project for winning the competition of scientific and science fiction works. The forum was also attended by students of Moscow universities.
For reference: in 2021, 386 schoolchildren, students and young people from 21 countries took part in the competition, and in general, the HORIZON 2100 competition has been walking around the planet for 3 years and has covered more than 950 participants and 70 experts from 51 countries.
The Future Modeling Center, the main organizer of the project, is aware that the tasks and expectations assigned to young people require effective multilateral cooperation of all parties involved in the process of modeling the future, therefore, for the forum participants, with the financial support of the A. M. Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Support Fund all possible conditions and powerful intellectual nourishment is provided.
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On August 23-24, participants from 14 countries met at the Museum of Cosmonautics at VDNKh. It was a truly wonderful place and an opportunity for young futurologists and science fiction writers to get acquainted with the opinion of experts from Austria, Bulgaria, Brazil, Germany, Canada, Lebanon, Russia, the USA and Finland about the distant future. The atmosphere fully corresponded to the spirit of the forum. The youth was very impressed by the speakers and topics of speeches. According to Maxim Ilyin, one of the forum participants: “For an amateur to watch various popular science and scientific lectures online on YouTube, it was like getting to the coolest (most popular) global platform, like TED. I was delighted. And of course, the most memorable event was the video call to the astronauts at the International Space Station and the opportunity to ask them questions live.”
On August 25, forum participants and experts were divided. in the Gorchakov Foundation, experts from different countries in the format of "brainstorming" to help young people identified groups of risks and opportunities for the development of science, including the paradigm of science; biosphere resources; urban planning and resettlement; the structure of society; cyberspace, digitalization, artificial intelligence; sphere of management; world order; culture and education; global scientific and public initiatives. For each group, an assessment was made of the prospects for resolving key problems, parrying risks in the period up to 2050 and 2100.
At the same time, in the ASI “Boiling Point”, the main actors of the forum in the mode of team Foresight sessions also generated project forecast images of the future. To work out the main topics of the project, 7 teams were created, one of which worked online.

A person of the future
Team "Apophenia"

The future world
Team "WE"

The future of science
Team "Tesla Plush"

The future of AI, the digital environment, bionics, and other key technologies
Team "Q-bit"

The future of the economy, business and the financial sector
Team "Blockchain with a Russian soul"

The future of the Earth's ecosystem
Team “Interconnected System”

The future of human life and habitat
Online Team “The Voice of the Future”
August 25 was the turning point of the forum, when after the exchange of opinions, knowledge, competencies and information, both experts and participants produced a qualitative result.
And on August 26, the final of the forum took place at the ASI “Boiling Point” - the teams presented their projects to the high jury, in which youth images of the future were evaluated by forum experts and representatives of Russian regions: Kalashnikov Ivan Vyacheslavovich, head of the Permanent Representation of the Chelyabinsk Region under the Government of the Russian Federation; Emelianenko Yury Nikolaevich, Acting Plenipotentiary Representative of the Governor, Government of the Belgorod Region; Vaganov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Deputy Head of the Representative Office of Kuzbass under the Government of the Russian Federation; Akmaeva Nailya Rafaelovna, head of the public relations sector of the representative office of the Republic of Tatarstan and others.

First place - Team "Apophenia"

Second place - Team "Blockchain with a Russian soul"

Second place - Team "Tesla Plush"

Third place - “The Voice of the Future”
According to the results of the evaluation of projects by an international jury, the first place was won by the project of the Apophenia team - a man of the future and the future of mankind; the second place with an equal number of points was taken by the teams "Tesla plush" - the future of science, knowledge and innovation and "Blockchain with a Russian soul" - the future of the economy, business and the financial sector. An honorable third place and a special diploma for difficult working conditions was won by the online team "Voice of the Future" - the Future of life and the environment of mankind.
At the end of the forum, a joint group, including one representative from each team, presented the Joint Result - an image of the future that young people want.
Also, on the basis of homework and topics worked out at the forum, the forum participants developed the Manifesto of the Builders of the Future.
Evaluation of project effectiveness, level / degree of achievement of goals and objectives
1. The implementation of the International Youth Project "HORIZON 2100", initiated by the ANO "Center for Modeling the Future", Moscow, Russia, made it possible to take part in the project in 2021 for young people from different countries with a total number of about 400 people.
2. With the informational support of the Foundation for the Development of Monotowns and the educational authorities of the regions of Russia, Russian youth from 70 cities and towns of Russia managed to take part in the competition of scientific and science fiction works about the distant future.
3. With the informational support of ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO and the Space Kids India organization, representatives of foreign youth from 19 countries, including Belarus, Hungary, India, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, USA, Yemen, Egypt, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Republic of Mauritius, Nigeria, China, Belgium, Azerbaijan.
5. During the forum, international project and research groups (teams) were created, it was also possible to create a productive interdisciplinary multinational atmosphere, both among young people and experts from Russia, Italy, India, Austria, Finland, Canada, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus , Ukraine, Moldova, USA, Syria, Bolivia, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Belgium, Brazil and Lebanon.
6. In terms of acquiring new knowledge, competencies and expanding consciousness, the forum allowed a large number of young people from different countries to arouse interest in the topic of futures research and involve them in an active process of modeling possible future scenarios in which they would like to live.
7. The results of the project in certain aspects exceeded the expectations of both organizers and participants. The young people demonstrated an indifferent attitude to the future and an understanding of the fact that it is on their shoulders that the difficult task of creating a better future not only for their country, but for all of humanity as a whole falls. The organizers are confident that the Forum has become an event and an important milestone for each participant. In turn, the participants themselves, through their activities, studies of the future and conclusions, modeled a vision that can subsequently serve as the basis for the formation of favorable future scenarios.
Further, the highest final note of awards and congratulations was the announcement of the winners of the GRAND PRIX of the competition. This high title in
2021 was won by:
- in the nomination of scientific works - Yanov Ilya Vladimirovich, Samara,
- в номинации научно-фантастических произведений о будущем на рубеже 2100 – Маргарита Семенова, г. Иркутск.

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Olga Lashko, Ukraine
Facilitator of the “ApofeniyaЭ team, graduate of the Russian University for the Humanities, master, expert of the HORIZON 2100 competition

Rachel Lloyd, USA
Facilitator of the “WE” team, graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Russian Language Studies, today she is studying at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Maxim Ilyin, Russia
Facilitator of the “Tesla Plush” team, expert of the HORIZON 2100 competition, graduate of the National Research University MIET, CEO of Antigram LLC

Bakk Balint, Hungary
Facilitator of the “Q-bit” team, student of the Higher School of Economics and the University of Szeged. The main interests are economics, sustainable development, nanotechnology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

Vladislav Andryukhin, Russia
Facilitator of the “Blockchain with a Russian Soul” team, postgraduate student of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, specialty "International Relations"

Penka Doneva, Bulgaria
Facilitator of the “Interconnected System” team, organizer, volunteer, expert of the Horizon 2100 competition

Lyubov Kravchenko, Russia
Facilitator of the online team "The Voice of the Future", expert of the "Horizon 2100" contest, researcher, international referee

Natalia Kovalkina, Russia
PR & press manager of the Forum: contacts with the media, guests and VIPs; student of the Moscow Aviation Institute and a regular participant, organizer and volunteer of the Center for Modeling Future

Tatyana Tyutyugina, Russia
Сoordinator for solving organizational and practical issues of the Forum participants, engineer of the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architectural and Building Sciences

Zdravko Zashev Belgium-Bulgaria
coordinator for work with participants, fluent in French, English, Bulgarian, and Russian, translator of texts by Neitronik LLC

Daria Ivanova, Russia
Forum Experts Coordinator, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship, Yuriiu RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don
The project was implemented with the financial assistance of the A. M. Gorchakov Foundation for the Support of Public Diplomacy, with the support of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics", the Institute of Management Problems. V.A. Trapeznikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Research Institute for Management Problems, the Institute for the Development of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rossotrudnichestvo, the UN Information Center in Moscow, the Monotowns Development Fund, the Moscow House of Public Organizations of the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow, the Kosmos Hotel Complex.