The School of Future Skills is a block of educational lectures and classes for participants of the HORIZON 2100 project, within the framework of which you can gain knowledge in various fields: forecasting, foresight skills, sustainable development and other theoretical materials on interdisciplinary topics. In addition, all students who took part in the project also took part in foresight in order to develop their own projects on selected topics.


The Center for Modeling the Future invited experts in various fields to act as lecturers of the School of Future Skills in order to share knowledge and competencies in various fields, to gain the necessary skills for further project work.


The first stage of the School of Future Skills was held from September to December 2023 for youth tutors of the HORIZON 2100 project at two sites - Russia, Moscow and Ecuador, Cuenca. At each of the sites, the lesson was held in the local language - Russian and Spanish. At each of the sites, 10 classes were held, combined into thematic blocks, during which the recorded lectures were shown to tutors, after which the authors of the lectures answered questions of interest, the participants arranged a discussion on the topic.


Session No1
Acquaintance and immersion in the topic

25.09.2023 Ecuador, Russia
Meet the session participants Irina Lvovna Osokina
What is the future? Yuri Valentinovich Sidelnikov
Communication of tutors, discussion
Recording of the session: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ZMIKkTDEx8UFcA
Session №2
The future of science. Competencies and skills of tutors

02.10.2023 Ecuador
07.10.2023 Russia
Is it possible to predict science? Yuri Valentinovich Sidelnikov
Who is a youth tutor and what is his role in the success of the HORIZON 2100 project? Olga Konstantinovna Lashko
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/k-oclCZAgeWwCg
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Qq42JPc8yYRW1w
Session №3
The future of society

10.10.2023 Ecuador
14.10.2023 Russia
What will the society of the future be like? Possible Development / Transformation Trends Inga Vladislavovna Zheltikova
Strategy for the development of human health systems until the end of this century Cherkasov Sergey Nikolaevich
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/mt_53nDPggeXsg
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/fR2z9Bd3kLecxQ
Session №4
Man of the Future

16.10.2023 Ecuador
21.10.2023 Russia
People 2100: forecasts and expectations Galkina Ninel Mikhailovna
The Future of Medicine: A Revolution with Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Alvaro Tapia, Ecuador
Global Trends in Human Improvement: Timeline of Key Events in Human Evolution for the Next 100 Years Alexander Alexandrovich Chulok
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/FapIjP7gDRTjRA
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/FapIjP7gDRTjRA
Session №5
The future of the global world

23.10.2023 Ecuador
28.10.2023 Russia
Uncertainty management vector: Assemblage Point – Economy 2100 Loginov Evgeny Leonidovich
The Future of the Global World 2100: Risks and Trends in Development and Transformation Alexander Ivanovich Ageev
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/N7k7ZC1PZQBDYA
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/YnaceRwFsWzDGw
Session №6
The future of the environment and sustainable development

30.10.2023 Ecuador
04.11.2023 Russia
The future of the environment and sustainable development Bobylev Sergey Nikolaevich
The Biodiversity Ecosystem and Future Challenges: How Digitalization Can Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation for the Future? Penka Doneva, Bulgaria
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/fIoSfUukS--n7w
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/clXUp4GY1V45UA
Session №7
The future of energy, the environment and sustainable development

06.11.2023 Ecuador
11.11.2023 Russia
Green building and energy efficiency – the way to a sustainable future Guy Eames, UK
The future of renewable energy in Latin America by 2100 Javier González Redrovan, Ecuador
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/vx39QXk2V7-RRg
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/7nXRTC7vQ1vsmg
Session №8
The future of technology

13.11.2023 Ecuador
18.11.2023 Russia
Industrial Technology by 2100 Istomina Natalia Leonidovna
AI and Meaning Recognition Daryana Vladimirovna Lemtyuzhnikova
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/5aOiKxFiVhVT_w
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ASns1g6b4ErNRg
Session №9
The Future of the Human Environment

20.11.2023 Ecuador
25.11.2023 Russia
Evolution of architectural structures for the future of the human environment Marco Avila Calle
The Future of the Human Habitat in Outer Space: Space Projects of the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) of the Moscow Architectural Institute Elena Vladimirovna Malaya
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/PEnIpvTBeW6wBA
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/-pmB2An6wrEStg
Session №10
The Future of the Human Environment, The Future of Human Intelligence

27.11 .2023 Ecuador
02.12.2023 Russia
Industrial Revolutions and Space Exploration Prospects by 2100 Vladislav Alexandrovich Leonov
The Future of Human Intelligence Augusto Cabrera Duffant
Discussion, exchange of views, answers to questions
Recording of the session (Ecuador): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/LuLKjtql8-s1QQ
Recording of the session (Russia): https://disk.yandex.ru/i/7Fvoe58eG3Yvcg


The school was mandatory for the winners of the competition, invited to the forum to participate in the project further. So, in January 2024, the 2nd stage of the School of Future Skills took place - the training of forum participants. The entire school was held entirely online under the guidance of the organizers and tutors who went through the school of tutors.

Before the start of the School, a webinar was held in Russian and English, where the participants got acquainted with the organizing group and tutors of their teams. Also, frequently asked questions from participants were previously collected, which the organizers answered during the webinar. Participants were able to freely ask any question about the School and the project as a whole.

All sessions were held on the Google Classrooms platform. Video lectures were posted on the YouTube platform, and then integrated into Classrooms, where assignments for each of the topics were also published. Each session was open according to the program, and participants could watch lectures and complete tasks in their free time (within the set deadline).

The school program included a total of 10 sessions, in which the participants, who had previously reviewed the material and completed the task, took part in discussions with tutors in an online format .

Experts also took part in the discussion of lecture topics and interdisciplinary areas. These trainings were aimed at developing a scientific work that will be presented at the international forum "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BY 2100: FORECASTS, VISIONS, SCENARIOS AND PLANS. Each session lasted about 2 hours of face-to-face work on Zoom and 2 hours of self-study.

Following the results of the thematic sessions, a 2-day foresight was held with moderator Alexander Alexandrovich Chulok. The foresight session was aimed at developing foresight skills – brainstorming by participants who had already prepared projects as part of teams by the beginning of the session.

At the foresight session, the participants in teams identified various trends in the social, scientific, technological, environmental and other spheres, identified a set of actions necessary to counter threats and take advantage of the opportunities created by trends, and made a final presentation with the results obtained. It was during the final session that the participants were able to present their projects, work out the knowledge gained during the School and prepare materials that were presented at the Forum in February 2024.

During the school, tutors kept the participants motivated, planned their own schedule of discussion sessions within the teams, and could gather online at any time convenient for everyone. At the discussion session, participants could share their opinions about the video lecture, ideas, impressions and ask any organizational questions. Tutors recorded the degree of participation of each participant in their team and monitored the completion of the task in Google Classroom.


Session Name Date Speakers and presenters
Session № 1 First Organizational Meeting of the Project Organizers and Horizon 2100 Project Participants
Acquaintance of the participants of the School of the Future in large groups. Explanation of the tasks and action plan of the School of the Future. Scheduling large groups and teams with participants 07.01.2024 Youth Tutors, Organizing Team
Session № 2 Immersion in the topic. Homework – watch video lectures on the future of society, humanity and human health
2.1. What will the society of the future be like? Possible Development / Transformation Trends 08.01.2024-09.01.2024 Inga Vladislavovna Zheltikova
2.2. Strategy for the development of human health systems until the end of this century Cherkasov Sergey Nikolaevich
2.3. People 2100: forecasts and expectations Galkina Ninel Mikhailovna
2.4. The Future of Medicine: A Revolution with Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Dr. Alvaro Tapia, Ecuador
Session № 3 Second Organizational Meeting of the Project Organizers and Horizon 2100 Project Participants
Discussion of the topics of video lectures: participants' opinions Identifying team leaders 10.01.2024 Youth Tutors
Session № 4 Immersion in the topic. Homework – watch thematic video lectures on the future global world, the Russian / world economy, energy, the environment and sustainable development
4.1. The Future of the Global World 2100: Risks and Trends in Development and Transformation" 11.01.2024-15.01.2024 Alexander Ivanovich Ageev
4.2. Uncertainty management vector: Assemblage Point – Economy 2100 Loginov Evgeny Leonidovich
4.3. The Future of the Environment and Sustainable Development" Bobylev Sergey Nikolaevich
4.4. The Biodiversity Ecosystem and Future Challenges: How Can Digitalization Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation for the Future? Penka Doneva, Bulgaria
4.5. Green building and energy efficiency – the way to a sustainable future Guy Eames, UK
4.6. The future of renewable energy in Latin America by 2100 Javier González Redrovan, Ecuador
Session № 5 Third Organizational Meeting of the Project Organizers and Horizon 2100 Project Participants
Discussion of the topics of video lectures: participants' opinions
Organizational issues
16.01.2024 Youth Tutors
Session № 6 Immersion in the topic. Homework – watch thematic video lectures on the future of science, industrial technologies, artificial and natural intelligence
6.1. Is it possible to predict science? 17.01.2024-19.01.2024 Yuri Valentinovich Sidelnikov
6.2. Industrial Technology by 2100 Istomina Natalia Leonidovna
6.3. AI and Meaning Recognition Daryana Vladimirovna Lemtyuzhnikova
6.4. The Future of Human Intelligence Augusto Cabrera-Duffaut, Ecuador
Session № 7 Fourth Organizational Meeting of the Project Organizers and Horizon 2100 Project Participants
Discussion of the topics of video lectures: participants' opinions
Organizational issues
20.01.2024 Youth Tutors
Session № 8 Immersion in the topic. Homework – watch thematic video lectures on the future of the human habitat
8.1. Evolution of Architectural Structures for the Future of the Human Environment 21.01.2024-23.01.2024 Architect Marco Ávila Calle
8.2. The Future of the Human Habitat in Outer Space: Space Projects of the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) of the Moscow Architectural Institute Elena Vladimirovna Malaya
8.3. Industrial Revolutions and Space Exploration Prospects by 2100 Vladislav Alexandrovich Leonov
8.4. Global Trends in Human Improvement: Timeline of Key Events in Human Evolution for the Next 100 Years Alexander Alexandrovich Chulok
Session № 9 Fifth Organizational Meeting of the Project Organizers and Horizon 2100 Project Participants
Discussion of the topics of video lectures: opinions of participants
Organizational issues
24.01.2024-25.01.2024 Youth Tutors
Session № 10 Two-day training Foresight session "Immersion in the Challenges of the Future" Session with simultaneous translation into Russian, English and Spanish. All participants of the Horizon 2100 project participate at the same time
Day 1
  1. Presentation of a presentation based on the results of in-depth intellectual analysis of leading foreign and Russian foresight schools in the following substantive areas:
    • definition of Foresight, a brief description of its evolution;
    • goals and objectives of Foresight, basic principles;
    • levels of Foresight application (national, industry, corporate), examples;
    • methods used in conducting Foresight, including quantitative, qualitative, big data analysis;
    • examples of the application of various methods;
  2. Analysis of typical errors in conducting Foresight research.
  3. Presentation of the goals and objectives of the Second Day of work within the framework of the Foresight session, including a detailed description working hours in groups
26.01.2024 4 hours
Moscow: 16:00 – 20:00
Latin America, Ecuador: 08:00 – 12:00;
Alexander A. Chulok, Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Science, Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Day 2
  1. Moderator's introductory words:
    • Presentation of the goals and objectives of the Second Day of work, including a detailed description of the work cycles in groups
    • Definition of a Foresight session - goals, objectives, possible formats, examples.
    • Discussion of the key differences between foresight and traditional forecasting within the framework of the participants' discussion and the directions of development of foresight research both in the world and in Russia.
    • Distribution of participants into pre-formed groups.
    • Getting started in groups.
  2. Step 1. "Trends" - identification of various trends that influence the chosen topic. Definition trends in the following thematic categories:
    • Social trends
    • Economic trends
    • Scientific and technological trends
    • Political trends
    • Value (ethical) trends
    • Environmental trends
    • Regulatory and legal trends
    Preparation of presentations of foresight projects, taking into account the completed task of determining trends in by thematic categories.
    The moderator consistently switches between groups to monitor and adjust the completion of tasks.
  3. Step 2 "Actions" is the definition of a set of actions by the whole world or individual countries, large companies needed to fend off threats and take advantage of opportunities created by trends, and the reflection of their participants in foresight projects.
  4. The third bar "Presentation" is the presentation of the results obtained: the performances of the teams in general online a hall with presentations of their foresight projects. Discussion. Answers to questions.
  5. The moderator's final word, parting comments for all participants.
28.01.2024 4 hours
Moscow: 16:00 – 20:00
Latin America, Ecuador: 08:00 – 12:00;
Alexander A. Chulok, Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Science, Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Session № 11 Discussion of the results of the School of the Future: participants' opinions, what they liked, what they didn't, what can be improved
Organizational issues before the forum
29.01.2024 – 01.02.2024 Youth Tutors


Green building and energy efficiency – the way to a sustainable future
Guy Eames, UK
AI and Meaning Recognition
Daryana Vladimirovna Lemtyuzhnikova
Evolution of Architectural Structures for the Future of the Human Environment
Architect Marco Ávila Calle
Global Trends in Improving Human Potential: A Timeline of Events in Human Evolution for 100 Years
Alexander Alexandrovich Chulok
Industrial Revolutions and Space Exploration Prospects by 2100
Vladislav Alexandrovich Leonov
The future of humanity's habitat in outer space
Elena Vladimirovna Malaya
The Future of Human Intelligence
Augusto Cabrera-Duffaut
Industrial Technology by 2100
Istomina Natalia Leonidovna
The future of renewable energy in Latin America by 2100
Javier González Redróván
Biodiversity ecosystem and future challenges
Penka Doneva
The future of the environment and sustainable development
Bobylev Sergey Nikolaevich
Uncertainty Management Vector: Assemblage Point – Economics 2100
Loginov Evgeny Leonidovich
The Future of the Global World 2100: Risks and Trends in Development and Transformation
Alexander Ivanovich Ageev
The Future of Medicine: A Revolution with Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Dr. Alvaro Tapia
People 2100: forecasts and expectations
Galkina Ninel Mikhailovna
Strategy for the development of human health systems until the end of this century
Cherkasov Sergey Nikolaevich
What will the society of the future be like? Possible Development / Transformation Trends
Inga Vladislavovna Zheltikova
Is it possible to predict science?
Yuri Valentinovich Sidelnikov
Who is a youth tutor and what is his role in the success of the HORIZON 2100 project?
Olga Konstantinovna Lashko

Lectures in other languages, as well as other materials can be found on our Youtube channel


A total of 113 people took part in the school: 58 participants worked at the School of Future Skills in Russian, 14 participants in English, 41 people from Latin America in Spanish. The participants represented 21 countries of the world, including Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Egypt, India, China, Trinidad and Tobago, Zambia, Turkey, Jordan, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Cuba.

15 teams were formed, which included 1 youth tutor and from 6 to 14 participants united in the chosen direction.

The participants mastered all the information in an online format. All sessions were held on the Google Classrooms platform.

The school's program included a total of 20 sessions – 10 for youth tutors in October – November 2023 and 10 for participants in January 2024. The sessions included video lectures uploaded on YouTube, zoom sessions, discussions with youth tutors and answers to expert questions.

The final session was held in a 2-day format by moderator Alexander Chulok in 3 languages: English, Russian and Spanish. At the Foresight session, team participants identified various trends in social, scientific, technological, environmental and other areas, identified a set of actions necessary to fend off threats and use the opportunities created by trends, and prepared the results in the form of presentations of their foresight projects.

The School of Skills of the Future allowed the participants not only to prepare well for the forum, gain new knowledge and foresight skills, but also to understand that futurology is a complex science that takes into account a variety of areas, risks and opportunities for global changes in human life at the level of civilization or nation in the near or distant future.


The project was implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, presented by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

The foresight session is organized by the Center for Modeling the Future, partners and co-organizers are the Presidential Grants Foundation, the International Research Institute of Control Sciences, the V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute for the Development of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences.